SYMANTEC CORPORATION - PETER NORTON GROUP 11/25/96 README.TXT for System Information for Windows 95 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for using System Information for Windows 95. This version of System Information is designed to run only under Windows 95. This version is not compatible with Windows NT, Windows 3.x, Windows for OS/2, or Windows emulators such as SoftWindows. Please review this document in its entirety prior to installing System Information as it contains late-breaking information that the online help does not contain. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Installation with Setup Wizard and Uninstall 2.0 System Information 1.0 Installation with Setup Wizard and Uninstall --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: DO NOT install System Information to a folder with a name longer than 40 characters. The DOS-based Norton Utilities programs will not run properly. ========================= Microsoft Office 95's FindFast feature may cause problems with Setup Wizard. Installing Norton Utilities while FindFast is running causes Setup Wizard dialog-box placement problems (dialog boxes may also appear off the screen) and conflict with its initial Windows 95 restart procedure. If you experience these problems (or if you are reading this prior to installation), you should remove it temporarily from your StartUp folder. ========================= If you receive the message "Setup has detected an incomplete installation," run the file ~SYMSHEL.EXE from the windows directory to clean up the left over files. This problem may occur when something interferes with the Windows RunOnce handling. ========================= 2.0 System Information --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Total Windows Memory value (located below the pie chart in System Information's Memory tab) is calculated by adding together the following numbers: total physical memory + total current swap file size + total current free space on disk + total size of all currently loaded 32-bit applications The last item is included in the total calculation because 32-bit applications under Windows 95 are "swapped out" by flushing them from memory, and then re-loading from the original disk image when they need to be "swapped in." ========================= System Information will report the bus type for "hybrid bus" systems as follows: VL/ISA is reported as ISA VL/EISA is reported as EISA PCI/ISA is reported as PCI PCI/EISA is reported as PCI ========================= It may take System Information an extended amount of time to gather information about network resources on large networks. ========================= Printing a report while using some versions of Adobe Type Manager (ATM) may cause the reversed text headings to print incorrectly. ========================= The Multimedia tab cannot gather information about the "cdaudio" MCI device while an audio CD is playing. System Information displays "Can not gather additional info" when this occurs. ========================= For network, CD, and compressed drives, the Disk Usage Selection on the Drive Tab is the total size of all selected items as reported by the file system. This does not include "slack" space (wasted space because of the device's cluster size), so the total amount allocated will often be slightly more than the size displayed by System Information. ========================= If the Windows 95 Device Manager shows an improperly configured device (represented by a yellow "!" symbol), System Information may be unable to display the correct information for this device. Also note that Plug & Play devices that are disconnected may be reported by the Windows 95 Device Manager as configured. System Information will likely display a disconnected Plug & Play device as configured and active. ========================= System Information will identify a NexGen 586 computer as having a 386- based processor. The NexGen processor uses a 386 instruction set. ========================= To learn more about benchmarking your computer, click Information from the System Benchmark window. Please note the following: - CMOS settings can be used to enable/disable the L1 and/or L2 cache. If the CPU seems slower than it should, verify the cache settings. - Some variation in the benchmark results is normal. System Information is designed to exclude common outside factors, such as most hardware interrupts, running applications, disk swapping, etc. However, some low level system events cannot be completely factored out. These events may cause minor variations in benchmark results. - Although your computer may be the same CPU and MHz speed as other computers, it does not mean that it will produce the same benchmark results. Various other factors, such as the type and speed of the system bus and memory, and the amount and architecture of the memory cache, are accounted for and will affect the speed of your computer and the results of the benchmark. ========================= The option for physical benchmarking is disabled on CD-ROM drives. To obtain similar results, manually set the supplemental cache size to small and the access pattern to no read ahead for that drive before running the logical benchmark. ========================= When running the drive benchmark while using the Promise DC4030-VL2 EIDE disk controller the system may hang. See the troubleshooting section of the controller's user manual for possible solutions, such as using only one VESA card in the system. ========================= While running Scandisk, you may experience an invalid page fault when you click the Details button on the Internet Tab of System Information.